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September 16-18, 2024
Vienna, Austria
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Wednesday, September 18

11:00 CEST

Creating Standards - From Writing a Spec to Obtaining ISO Status - Shane Coughlan, The Linux Foundation
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00 - 11:40 CEST
This talk will explain the process of going from a blank page to an ISO standard using OpenChain ISO/IEC 5230:2020 as a case study. It will explain how the OpenChain specification team came together, how they created the first iterations of what would become ISO/IEC 5230, and how they collaborated with Joint Development Foundation (JDF) to evolve from de-facto industry standard into formal international standard through the JTC-1 PAS Transposition Process. Attendees will learn how to frame, build and deploy their own specifications and standards, with a particular focus on the practical decisions required: should this be a specification, should it be an ISO standard and what do I need to do to make this happen?
avatar for Shane Coughlan

Shane Coughlan

General Manager, OpenChain Project
Shane Coughlan is an expert in communication, security and business development. His professional accomplishments include spearheading the licensing team that elevated OIN into the largest patent non-aggression community in history and establishing the first global network for open... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00 - 11:40 CEST
Room 2.31 (Level 2)

11:00 CEST

Next-Gen Documentation with AI - Hema Veeradhi, Red Hat
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00 - 11:40 CEST
In the realm of open source development, efficient and comprehensive documentation plays a pivotal role in facilitating collaboration, adoption, and innovation. However, creating high-quality documentation often proves time-consuming and labor-intensive for developers. In this session, we will explore the potential of using large language models (LLMs) in automating documentation creation, streamlining the documentation workflow and enhancing the overall developer experience. We will delve into the intricacies of integrating generative AI models into the documentation workflow, discussing key aspects such as open source tooling for model development, model selection and effective evaluation of the generated documentations. Attendees will gain insights into how generative AI can revolutionize the way documentation is created and maintained in open source projects, ultimately driving greater efficiency and productivity in software development workflows. This talk is a must for anyone looking to transform their documentation from a laborious manual process to an efficient automated one, ushering in a new generation of streamlined documentation workflows.
avatar for Hema Veeradhi

Hema Veeradhi

Principal Data Scientist, Red Hat
Hema Veeradhi is a Principal Data Scientist working in the Emerging Technologies team part of the office of the CTO at Red Hat. Her work primarily focuses on implementing innovative open AI and machine learning solutions to help solve business and engineering problems. Hema is a staunch... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00 - 11:40 CEST
Room 0.11-0.12 (Level 0)
  • Audience Level Beginner
  • Presentation Slides Attached Yes

11:55 CEST

Building a Digital Workplace for Civil Servants - Bastien Guerry, Interministerial Digital Directorate (FR Gov)
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:55 - 12:15 CEST
Understand how a public administration can build an open source digital workplace. We will present the current state of the solution itself and our methodology for ensuring the robustness of the underlying open source libraries and applications.
avatar for Bastien Guerry

Bastien Guerry

Head of the Free Software unit at DINUM, Interministerial Digital Directorate (FR Gov)
I'm a developer, I contribute to the GNU project and I promote the use of Free Software within the French public administration.
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:55 - 12:15 CEST
Room 0.49-0.50 (Level 0)

11:55 CEST

Documentation Templates: A Helpful Aid or an Obstacle - Lana Novikova, JetBrains
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:55 - 12:35 CEST
Documentation templates serve as indispensable tools in the technical writing arsenal, offering a structured framework to streamline communication, ensure consistency, and distribute best practices. This talk delves into the intricate balance between harnessing the benefits of templates while navigating potential pitfalls, offering insights from my participation in The Good Docs project.
avatar for Lana Novikova

Lana Novikova

Technical writer, JetBrains
Hello there! I’m Lana, a dedicated technical writer, docops enthusiast, and a specialist in knowledge management. Over the past 10 years, I’ve immersed myself in the world of documentation. My focus lies in crafting comprehensive documentation for developers, specializing in API... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:55 - 12:35 CEST
Room 0.11-0.12 (Level 0)
  • Audience Level Beginner
  • Presentation Slides Attached Yes

14:00 CEST

Supply Chain Security for the Rest of Us - Jubril Oyetunji, N/A
Wednesday September 18, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 CEST
Software supply chain attacks are on the rise, but what does that really mean for you and your organization? The recently discovered xz backdoor serves as a stark reminder of the potential nightmares lurking in compromised software supply chains. Have you found yourself wondering about incidents like SolarWinds, Log4Shell, and now the xz backdoor, and why they caused such a commotion? If you've been left scratching your head, thinking "Isn't this just an issue for big tech companies?", this session is for you. In this talk, we will explore software supply chain security and explore why it's important for organizations of all sizes. Through real-world case studies, including a deep dive into the xz backdoor, attendees will understand the risks and potential consequences of supply chain attacks. The session will not be all doom and gloom, however. The presenter will introduce attendees to the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF)'s Sigstore project, which is making supply chain security more approachable and accessible.
avatar for Jubril Oyetunji

Jubril Oyetunji

Jubril Oyetunji, Independent
software engineer interested in distributed systems and likes coffee
Wednesday September 18, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 CEST
Hall M2 (Level 1)
  Open Source 101

14:00 CEST

Who Broke the Build? — Using Kuttl to Improve E2E Testing and Release Faster - Ram Mohan Rao Chukka, JFrog
Wednesday September 18, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 CEST
No one wants to be responsible for breaking the build. But what can you do as a developer to avoid being the bad guy? How can project leads enable their teams to reduce the occurrence of broken builds? In talking within our own teams, we discovered that many developers weren’t running sufficient integration and End to End tests in their local environments because it’s too difficult to set up and administer test environments in an efficient way. That’s why we decided to rethink our entire local testing process in hopes of cutting down on the headaches and valuable time wasted. Enter Kuttl. Connecting Kuttl to CI builds has empowered our developers to easily configure a development environment locally that accurately matches the final test environment — without needing to become an expert CI admin themselves. These days, we hear, “Who broke the build?” far less often — and you can too!
avatar for Ram Mohan Rao Chukka

Ram Mohan Rao Chukka

Senior Software Engineer, JFrog
Ram is a Senior Software Engineer at JFrog R&D . Previously worked for startup companies like CallidusCloud (SAP Company), Konylabs. Loves Automation, Linux, openSource
Wednesday September 18, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 CEST
Hall B (Level 2)
  Open Source 101

14:00 CEST

Fast & Furious: From Zero to Open Source Community in 9 Weeks - Martin Hickey, IBM
Wednesday September 18, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 CEST
When you join an open source community, do you ever wonder how it got started? Was infrastructure like CI/CD, code checking tools, docs, etc. started from day 0 or built bit-by-bit from day 1 onwards? Do people assume particular roles or does everyone just jump in to get things rolling? Do you build up some capabilities first and then open it up, or just go gung-ho? In this talk, we tell the story of how an idea germinated from the IBM AI research team and investigated on a dev laptop led to IBM and Red Hat building out an entire project to successfully create the InstructLab open source community in just 9 weeks. We will treat you to a behind the scenes look at how a huge undertaking like this can be realized - warts and all. We invite you to join us for our story of how a dedicated team working together took complex AI concepts that seemed near-impossible to make open source and built a community that allows anyone to contribute improvements to LLMs. Attendees will leave with a thorough understanding of how to create the scaffolding for a successful project opening in a short time frame, with all requisite buzzwords like “GenAI” included, but not obnoxiously so.
avatar for Martin Hickey

Martin Hickey

Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM
Martin is a STSM and an Open Source strategic leader at IBM. He has been contributing to various Open Source projects, most notably, Kubernetes, Helm, OpenTelemetry, and OpenStack. Martin is a core maintainer and a TOC member of the Helm project. He has been a speaker at various conferences... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 CEST
Room 0.94-0.95 (Level 0)

14:00 CEST

Panel Discussion: Measuring Success for Academic Open Source - Clare Dillon, Lero, CURIOSS; Mike Nolan, Rochester Institute of Technology; Sean Goggins, University of Missouri; and Sayeed Choudhury, Carnegie Mellon University
Wednesday September 18, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 CEST
The CHAOSS Academic Working Group was formed in 2023 to examine the OSS metrics and models found in a university setting. No two OSS projects are the same, and often have different goals - but when we started looking at what a successful OSS project looks like in universities, we were surprised that so few of the existing CHAOSS metrics could be used to address the common goals and questions asked by researchers, students, and academic staff. Join us for this panel discussion with members of the CHAOSS Academic Working Group to hear about how to consider measuring OSS in an academic context, when we look at the question from an individual, institutional and system-wide point of view.
avatar for Sean Goggins

Sean Goggins

Professor / CHAOSS Community Co-Chair, University of Missouri
Sean Goggins is Co-Director of the Linux Foundation's CHAOSS Project. Sean Goggins maintains the CHAOSS Project's Augur Software and created the University of Missouri's Masters's Degree in Data Science in 2015. Sean manages the pipeline between CHAOSS metrics, a taxonomy for project... Read More →
avatar for Clare Dillon

Clare Dillon

InnerSource Researcher, CURIOSS Lead, Lero, CURIOSS
Clare Dillon is an InnerSource researcher with Lero (Science Foundation Ireland's Research Centre for Software) and a member of Lero's OSPO. Clare also works with CURIOSS, a global community of Open Source Program Offices in university and research institutions. From 2021-2023, Clare... Read More →
avatar for Michael P. Nolan

Michael P. Nolan

Associate Director | Open@RIT, Rochester Institute of Technology
Mike Nolan is a software engineer and open source community strategy consultant currently helping run Open@RIT as the Associate Director. He also acts as the director of the Federation of Humanitarian Technologists.With work experience stemming from tech companies such as Amazon and... Read More →
avatar for Sayeed Choudhury

Sayeed Choudhury

Director of Open Source Programs Office, Carnegie Mellon University
Associate Dean for Digital Infrastructure and Director of Open Source Programs Office
Wednesday September 18, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 CEST
Room 0.96-0.97 (Level 0)

14:00 CEST

Tackling Language Barriers in Open Source Docs: A Case Study of openEuler's Globalization Efforts - Helen Liu & Wang Jing, OpenAtom openEuler
Wednesday September 18, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 CEST
In today's interconnected world, open source thrives on collaboration, yet language barriers in documentation impede knowledge exchange. As languages like Chinese and Japanese gain prominence, native speakers play increasingly vital roles. Yet, the lack of universal understanding necessitates a two-step localization process, from the source language to English and then to local languages. Amidst this backdrop, in OpenAtom openEuler, a pioneering project born in China which has been spearheading internationalization efforts, we initiated G11N SIG, an instrumental globalization group in tackling these challenges head-on. As a maintainer of G11N and a social media operator who is deeply attuned to localization challenges, I bring firsthand experience and expertise to the table. In this session, we'll embark on a comprehensive exploration of openEuler's journey, delving into successful strategies, encountered challenges, and the lessons learned in surmounting language barriers. We'll shed light on AI's assistance in localization efforts and the empowering potential of social media in enhancing accessibility.

Wang Jing

Non-code Open Source Contributor and Social Media Director, OpenAtom openEuler
Wang Jing is a highly regarded figure in the open source community, known for her contributions as a non-code contributor to openEuler and her exceptional skills in global social media management. She has achieved the openEuler Community Contribution Certification, highlighting her... Read More →
avatar for Helen Liu

Helen Liu

G11N Maintainer and Social Media Operator, OpenAtom openEuler
Helen Liu is recognized in the open source community for her role as the maintainer of openEuler's G11N SIG and adept social media management. With expertise in technical documentation translation, localization, and community engagement, she fosters collaboration within open source... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 14:00 - 14:40 CEST
Room 0.11-0.12 (Level 0)
  • Audience Level Beginner
  • Presentation Slides Attached Yes

14:10 CEST

Lightning Talk: Building the AIverse: Standardizing Autonomous AI Agents for a Decentralized Fediverse - Chris Xie, Futurewei
Wednesday September 18, 2024 14:10 - 14:20 CEST
The decentralized fediverse is poised to revolutionize how we interact online, but it still lacks a crucial component: standardized, interoperable AI agents. Current AI agent frameworks are numerous, but fragmented, leading to inefficiencies and duplication of effort. This talk proposes a future vision where decentralized fediverse is empowered by standardized, autonomous AI agents with human-in-the-loop, enhancing our daily lives both online and offline. We'll discuss the need for a standard architecture for AI agent frameworks, incorporating AI safety rules and sustainable development principles, to ensure the new "AIverse" is built responsibly and sustainably. Join us in exploring how this vision can become a reality.
avatar for Chris Xie

Chris Xie

Head of Open Source Strategy, Futurewei
Chris Xie, Head of Open Source Strategy at Futurewei, is a key advocate for global open source collaboration. With past roles at Fortune 500 companies and startups, he offers a unique blend of technical and strategic business expertise. Recently, Chris has focused on open source sustainability... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 14:10 - 14:20 CEST
Hall M1 (Level 1)

14:20 CEST

Lightning Talk: Millisecond Scale-to-Zero and the Quest to Never Pay for Idle Again - Felipe Huici, Unikraft GmbH
Wednesday September 18, 2024 14:20 - 14:30 CEST
Cloud traffic is intermittent and bursty, but cloud bills are on 24/7. While many cloud providers have scale to zero mechanisms (i.e., putting an app to sleep if it's idle, and waking it up when requests for it arrive once again), these are slow, taking seconds or minutes to kick-in. In this lightning talk, we will show that leveraging tech from the Linux Foundation OSS Unikraft project (www.unikraft.org) we can fundamentally disrupt the semantics of scale to zero and autoscale in modern cloud deployments. Concretely, we will demo the ability to (1)*cold* start standard apps (web servers, databases, etc) in milliseconds; (2) scale them to 0 within milliseconds; and (3) wake them up within milliseconds of the next request coming in -- within an Internet RTT and thus not noticeable by end users. Finally, for a bit of fun, we will push the server to the limit, by loading it with thousands of these scaled to zero instances -- and take bets from the audience as to where the system might break.
avatar for Felipe Huici

Felipe Huici

CEO & Co-Founder, Unikraft GmbH
Dr. Felipe Huici is CEO and Co-Founder of Unikraft, a start-up dedicated to lightweight and open source virtualization tech. Prior he worked as chief researcher at NEC Laboratories Europe, has published in several top tier conferences such as SOSP, ASPLOS, OSDI, Eurosys, SIGCOMM... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 14:20 - 14:30 CEST
Hall C (Level 2)
  • Audience Level Beginner
  • Presentation Slides Attached Yes

14:30 CEST

Lightning Talk: The BlueHats Awards: Funding Open Source Critical Libraries - Bastien Guerry, Interministerial Digital Directorate (FR Gov) & Jos van den Oever, NLnet
Wednesday September 18, 2024 14:30 - 14:40 CEST
In 2024, DINUM has partnered with NLnet to launch the BlueHats Awards: https://nlnet.nl/bluehatsprize/2024/ The prize will identify and support 4 FLOSS maintainers and give them 10K€ to encourage them to continue their work. The session will present the prize, lessons learned, and evolve into a discussion with NLnet and the winning maintainers.
avatar for Jos van den Oever

Jos van den Oever

senior policy & technology advisor, NLnet
avatar for Bastien Guerry

Bastien Guerry

Head of the Free Software unit at DINUM, Interministerial Digital Directorate (FR Gov)
I'm a developer, I contribute to the GNU project and I promote the use of Free Software within the French public administration.
Wednesday September 18, 2024 14:30 - 14:40 CEST
Room 0.49-0.50 (Level 0)

15:10 CEST

OpenPrinting - We Make Printing Just Work! - Till Kamppeter, OpenPrinting / Canonical
Wednesday September 18, 2024 15:10 - 15:50 CEST
Conference attendees to Till: Printing works better than under Windows or Mac! Michael Tunnell, TuxDigital, says in one of his videos: There is no such thing like a pain-free experience of printing under Windows ... Linux printing is ridiculously good ... Till Kamppeter, leader of the OpenPrinting project, and fellow of the Linux Foundation, will give an overview of his work. Going through OpenPrinting's history the components of the printing infrastructure of modern Linux (and other Posix-style) operating systems will get shown. - How did the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) with the printing system CUPS being an implementation of it simplify printing a lot? - The printer driver challenge, good and bad cooperation with manufacturers, packaging and distributing ... - Desktop integration, GUI toolkits, print dialogs, setup tools, portals, ... Especially also the New Architecture of all-IPP printing and scanning and also the integration in immutable OS distributions will be treated ...
avatar for Till Kamppeter

Till Kamppeter

OpenPrinting Project Lead, OpenPrinting / Canonical
Lead of OpenPrinting since it was founded in 2001, introduced the CUPS printing system in Mandrake Linux in 2000 working at MandrakeSoft and with this and a lot of evangelism (booths, talks, tutorials) made the other distros also switch to CUPS, since 2006 print maintainer at Canonical... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 15:10 - 15:50 CEST
Hall B (Level 2)
  • Audience Level Beginner
  • Presentation Slides Attached Yes

15:10 CEST

Data Networks Neutrality with OpenConfig: Unveiling Challenges and Practical Insights - Alfonso Sandoval Rosas, Cisco Systems
Wednesday September 18, 2024 15:10 - 15:50 CEST
In the realm of data network management, OpenConfig emerges as a beacon of vendor-neutrality, promising a standardised, model-driven approach to managing network device structures and services. However, the journey towards achieving seamless vendor-neutral operations is a bit more tricky when put into practice. Join us as we navigate the maze of OpenConfig, uncovering its promises, pitfalls, and pragmatic applications based on personal experiences in the network programmability industry. We will explore together the present and future of OpenConfig, along with its practical usage in orchestrators and beyond.
avatar for Alfonso Sandoval Rosas

Alfonso Sandoval Rosas

Software Consulting Engineer, Cisco Systems
Alfonso is a Software Consulting Engineer and Developer Advocate at the SWAT (Software and Automation) team in Lisbon passionate about adding value to the customers with the power of coding. Alfonso has worked on the design, development and implementation of enterprise-grade software... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 15:10 - 15:50 CEST
Hall M2 (Level 1)
  Open Source 101
  • Audience Level Beginner
  • Presentation Slides Attached Yes

15:10 CEST

Learning by Example: Highlights from Google Season of Docs - Erin McKean, Google
Wednesday September 18, 2024 15:10 - 15:50 CEST
The Google Season of Docs program gives direct grants to open source projects to hire technical writers. The technical writing projects supported by these grants are intended to solve real problems for open source project communities, and the case studies created by the projects are intended to help other open source projects learn how to conceptualize and create their own problem-solving open source documentation. In this talk, we'll walk through how projects participating in Google's Season of Docs program have framed their problems, hypothesized solutions, created documentation to solve those problems, and measured the success of their documentation.
avatar for Erin McKean

Erin McKean

Developer Relations Engineer, Google
Erin McKean does "docs advocacy" for Google's OSPO. She is the founder of the not-for-profit Wordnik.com. Before Wordnik, she was the editor-in-chief of American Dictionaries for Oxford University Press. In addition to writing code, blog posts, and documentation, she’s also the... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 15:10 - 15:50 CEST
Room 0.11-0.12 (Level 0)

15:20 CEST

Lightning Talk: RISC-V and AI: How an Open-Standards ISA Underpins Portability for AI/ML Applications - Philipp Tomsich, VRULL GmbH
Wednesday September 18, 2024 15:20 - 15:30 CEST
RISC-V, an open-standards Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), provides the freedom to add instructions for domain-specific acceleration. This session highlights the significance of ongoing standardization efforts at RISC-V aimed at enhancing AI/ML capabilities through specific architectural enhancements: optimized instructions for matrix operations, efforts to merge GPGPU-style processing into a coherent, multi-paradigm compute resource, and support for emerging paradigms like spiking neural networks. This positions RISC-V to become a "lingua franca" for portable AI/ML libraries and kernels that can transparently be moved between compatible hardware from multiple vendors.
avatar for Philipp Tomsich

Philipp Tomsich

Chief Technologist, VRULL GmbH
Dr. Philipp Tomsich is the Chief Technologist and Founder of VRULL GmbH, a leading provider of outsourced R&D, software enablement, and ecosystem development services for the semiconductor industry. Philipp currently supports the RISC-V mission as the Chair of the Applications & Tools... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 15:20 - 15:30 CEST
Hall M1 (Level 1)
  Open AI + Data Forum
  • Audience Level Beginner
  • Presentation Slides Attached Yes

16:05 CEST

Scalable Multi-Node AI Workloads in Multi-Tenant AI Clouds Using SDN K8s Networking - Girish Moodalbail, NVIDIA Inc & Leonid Grossman US, NVIDIA
Wednesday September 18, 2024 16:05 - 16:45 CEST
Within AI workloads, a few key traffic flows drive significant data movement between GPUs across nodes. Optimizing these flows for efficient bandwidth, low latency, and minimal jitter is critical to prevent GPU underutilization. Additionally, in the context of AI Cloud infrastructure, accommodating numerous users and concurrent AI workloads introduces competition for shared network resources, potentially impacting application performance. Hence, ensuring isolation between workloads within and across tenants is paramount. This session will explain ways to achieve network isolation (overlay virtual network topology) and efficient bandwidth (end-to-end QoS) between AI workloads using Open Source SDN solution, namely, Open vSwitch (OVS), Open Virtual Network (OVN), and OVN-Kubernetes CNI. With OVS-offloadable hardware the gains are much more significant.
avatar for Girish Moodalbail

Girish Moodalbail

Distinguished Engineer, NVIDIA Inc, NVIDIA Inc
Girish Moodalbail, a Distinguished Engineer at Nvidia Inc., builds Kubernetes-based GPU compute for gaming, AI training, and inferencing with low-latency, high-throughput, reliable, scalable, and secure networking using OSS (OVS, OVN, OVN-K8s CNI) and NVIDIA hardware. With over 22... Read More →
avatar for Leonid Grossman

Leonid Grossman

Sr. Director, NVIDIA
Leonid is a Senior Director of Cloud Networking at Nvidia, responsible for SDN in a GPU-based Cloud. Before joining Nvidia, Leonid was responsible for Oracle Solaris Networking. Prior to Oracle, Leonid was a Founder and a VP at Neterion, a Silicon Valley venture-backed startup pioneering... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 16:05 - 16:45 CEST
Hall C (Level 2)
  • Audience Level Beginner
  • Presentation Slides Attached Yes

16:05 CEST

What Is an ABI, and Why Should You Care? - Shung-Hsi Yu, SUSE
Wednesday September 18, 2024 16:05 - 16:45 CEST
Application Binary Interface (ABI), in contrast to the more often heard Application Programming Interface (API), is not as widely discussed, but is every bit as important as the latter. It is what allows us to run programs that are compiled 10 years ago on the latest system, and still expect it to work. In this talk, we will introduce the audience to the concept of ABI, explain its difference from API, and and lay out what exactly breaks ABI, as well as cover the symptoms of such breakage. Further more, we will detail how ABI breakage can be detected or prevented, and discuss some specific cases: Linux Kernel's ABI, Python's stable ABI, and Foreign Function Interface.
avatar for Shung-Hsi Yu

Shung-Hsi Yu

Kernel Engineer, SUSE
Mainly working on maintaining the eBPF stack of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) distribution. Currently drawn to the inner working of eBPF verifier and formal verification.
Wednesday September 18, 2024 16:05 - 16:45 CEST
Hall B (Level 2)
  • Audience Level Beginner
  • Presentation Slides Attached Yes

16:05 CEST

Panel Discussion: The Parallel Universes of ISPOs and OSPOs - Clare Dillon, Lero, CURIOSS; Tom Sadler, BBC; Russell Rutledge, InnerSource Commons Foundation
Wednesday September 18, 2024 16:05 - 16:45 CEST
You know all about OSPOs - but have you heard about ISPOs? If an OSPO can be defined as the center of gravity for an organization’s open source operations and structure, then an ISPO performs a similar role for InnerSource. InnerSource, the use of open source methods to create proprietary code, is often used as a step on the path to open source readiness. Last year, InnerSource Commons launched an ISPO Working Group for those involved in enabling InnerSource within their organizations. Some of those involved work in or with OSPOs. In this panel session, moderator Clare Dillon will discuss the emergence of ISPOs with ISPO Working Group members. The panel will explore the role of an ISPO, the parallels to an OSPO, and where the two organizations may differ in terms of objectives or activities. Join us to learn more about this emerging trend and to hear real-life ISPO experiences from organizations operating in health, media, and technology verticals.
avatar for Clare Dillon

Clare Dillon

InnerSource Researcher, CURIOSS Lead, Lero, CURIOSS
Clare Dillon is an InnerSource researcher with Lero (Science Foundation Ireland's Research Centre for Software) and a member of Lero's OSPO. Clare also works with CURIOSS, a global community of Open Source Program Offices in university and research institutions. From 2021-2023, Clare... Read More →
avatar for Tom Sadler

Tom Sadler

Principal Software Engineer, BBC
Tom Sadler is a Principal Software Engineer at the BBC, working with a number of teams to enable open source and industry engagement, and InnerSource. He has led multiple teams working on the BBC’s Connected TV applications, with a focus on cross team collaboration. Tom has been... Read More →
avatar for Russell Rutledge

Russell Rutledge

Executive Director, InnerSource Commons Foundation
Russ Rutledge is the Executive Director of the InnerSource Commons, a non-profit foundation dedicated to the teaching of InnerSource across the industry. Russ is a founding director of the Foundation and has served in many leadership positions there. Russ has participated at all levels... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 16:05 - 16:45 CEST
Room 0.96-0.97 (Level 0)

16:05 CEST

RISC-V: Maturing an Open Standards Development Process - Philipp Tomsich, VRULL GmbH
Wednesday September 18, 2024 16:05 - 16:45 CEST
With its global uptake, the RISC-V specifications and RISC-V International, as the standards-development body, are facing an unprecedented challenges: the international adoption of RISC-V as an alternative, open-standards ISA and its role in various digital sovereignty initiatives worldwide are putting a geopolitical spotlight on the the standards and specifications released by RISC-V International. Safeguarding the protected status as a standards-development body and ensuring ongoing, constructive collaboration between geographies in the setting of future standards, requires a focus on policies and processes in our standards-development process. This session compares the existing RISC-V specification development with the ISO processes, and provides an outlook to some of the process improvements underway that will lead to an even closer alignment: the ultimate goal being a path to publication of the publicly available RISC-V specifications as international standards. We will provide an overview of the role of the RISC-V Technical Steering Committee, into the quality-gates a proposed standard must pass, and the consensus-building processes within each specification group.
avatar for Philipp Tomsich

Philipp Tomsich

Chief Technologist, VRULL GmbH
Dr. Philipp Tomsich is the Chief Technologist and Founder of VRULL GmbH, a leading provider of outsourced R&D, software enablement, and ecosystem development services for the semiconductor industry. Philipp currently supports the RISC-V mission as the Chair of the Applications & Tools... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 16:05 - 16:45 CEST
Room 2.31 (Level 2)
  Standards & Specifications Forum
  • Audience Level Beginner
  • Presentation Slides Attached Yes

16:05 CEST

Online Hands-on Tech Docs, the Easy Way! - Jorge Morales Pou, Broadcom
Wednesday September 18, 2024 16:05 - 16:45 CEST
Have you ever had the need to show a live version of what your technical documentation is presenting? Don't you agree that seeing things in action is the best way to convey your documentation goals? Have you ever had to deal with the complexity of the learners' heterogeneous environments? Or in other words, have the learners of your product wanted to learn how your project works but some have windows, some linux others mac, some constrained laptops, some don't have enough memory? For this problem online playgrounds for hands-on learning that help you deliver a hands-on experience via a web browser is the best way to go. But many of these do cost a lot of money, while this runs on containers on a simple Kubernetes cluster. In this workshop, we will demonstrate Educates, an open source hands-on workshop platform that can help you deliver hands-on learning experience as well as workshops and demos, in a very easy, reproducible and cost effective way. And we will be using an Educates workshop, which means Inception. This technology is the one used by VMware's Spring.Academy, Tanzu.Academy and Kube.Academy. I encourage you to spend this short time with us. It'll change your life.
avatar for Jorge Morales Pou

Jorge Morales Pou

Software engineer, Broadcom
Jorge is a Cloud Native Developer advocate at VMware working with Kubernetes platforms. He has huge experience in DevOps and he's a fanatical Java developer but never afraid of learning new languages. He’s been helping developers understand the benefits of Kubernetes based platforms... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 16:05 - 16:45 CEST
Room 0.11-0.12 (Level 0)
  • Audience Level Beginner
  • Presentation Slides Attached Yes
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